Perfectly Passionate - Vogue

"Larger than life and more complex than fiction, Wintour embodies a fascinating contradiction of passion and perfectionism as she reigns over a dizzying array of designers, models, photographers, and editors"
Sundance 2009

WOW, I am so excited and must share! I just discovered Sundance, the indie film festival in Utah, is screening "The September Issue" an inside peak into Vogue Magazine. Director R.J. Cutler gained unprecedented access to the Vogue empire AND to Ms. Wintour, amazing since this is unheard of. The film chronicles the 9 months leading up to the September issue which any of us die hard fashion fans know, as the Bible. I personally look forward to it every year, for me it's the official start of a new year and usually runs upwards of 500 pages. The chaos, decisions, creative struggles, fashion shows, photo shoots and re-shoots are all chronicled. As is the personality of the most powerful woman in fashion, Anna Wintour. I love how they describe her above as "a contradiction of passion and perfectionism"! For a girl who majored in fashion this is one of those documentaries I could see myself watching over and over...I only hope it is as good as I envision.

Sept 2008 Vogue Cover....yes it was over 700 pages!

(images via Sundance and Vogue)

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