Monday Morning Happy

Happy Monday after Thanksgiving! Have you all recovered from family time and an abundance of delicious food? I for one am off to a slow start, especially distracted by all these Cyber Monday emails! Oh my, the money I could spend!!


Thanksgiving this year was spent in Maryland with my husbands family. Their house backs up to a farm which is fascinating to this urban girl! There is so much land to wander and clear your head with a good walk! On Thanksgiving morning I woke up early and as I was starting my tea I looked out the kitchen window to see this amazing sunrise through the trees. The Social Media Girl I am grabbed the iPad to document it and as I went to take the picture I see the wooden "FAMILY" sign right there on the window sill. How appropriate!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

(image from Jace Interiors, please do not use without approval)

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