Hurricane Sandy Donations - Family to Family

Good Morning! A week ago all of us on the East Coast were bracing for Hurricane Sandy holding our breaths for what we might find the next morning. In our Boston area we got lucky and had minimal damage and power outages that in comparison were not too bad.

As we have seen NY and NJ have been devastated by this storm which leads many of us to ask, how can we help? Yes the Red Cross is an incredible place to donate money but what about donating to a specific family or giving directly to the local Fire Station and Churches? Family to Family is an amazing organization that can help us do just that. As their motto states "Share Your Bounty", those extra blankets, coats and hats you have in your house can go to good use RIGHT NOW! Below are the ways to donate and the links to  Family to Family.

As Designers we make houses beautiful, now is the time to make the families in some of those houses comfortable! Gather your own family and split up the costs in supporting a family in need. 
Come on let's DO THIS!

(image from Family to Family website)

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