Monday Morning Happy - Summer Recap

Would someone please tell me where summer went? In June we are all so excited with months full of outdoor activities ahead of us.. we blink and it is the end of August! Though I will not complain as I had one of the most spectacular summers ever! Below are a few pictures from our family outings!

This Delaware sunrise was worth waking up at 6:15am for!

Sorrento Italy CreateGirl
We had an incredible honeymoon in Florence, Tuscany and Amalfi!

CreateGirl Lego
Living with a little guy I learned to love the thousands of Lego pieces and used my design skills to come up with creative storage solutions!

Fenway Collage CreateGirl
Of course our household rivalry (split right now the middle...) between the Orioles and Red Sox continued at Fenway!

 tomatobowl CreateGirl
Lastly I finally got a mini tomato garden set up in the burbs! At my city apt the deck was flooded all day with sun so I was not sure how they would fare in the burbs but I am happy to say they are flourishing!

Those are a few quick tidbits about my summer! What was your favorite memory from the last 3 months?

Enjoy this new week

(all images from jace interiors)


  1. I feel the autumn in the air already!!! We spent tons of time in our newly reno'd back yard. So for us, entertaining was pretty much all we did. In Sept we're heading to France so it's like having an extended summer break. Hopefully it will still be warm in the South of France.

  2. Lovely images of your summer.
    We just got back from hiking and fishing in Montana which is a highlight as well as a short visit to Seattle. We had a big 80th birthday celebration in a private box at a Philly's game for my parents who are huge Philly's fans. Otherwise I just loved being home gardening and swimming.

  3. At least its not a Red Sox/ Yankees rivalry like in my house- they get NASTY :)

  4. The Sox have been deplorable, so they're definitely NOT in my favorite summer memories. My family & I just got back from a vacation, which is my favorite memory (we went to Delaware, too -- Rehoboth Beach!)
