Monday Morning Happy

Today is the last day of winter which is a bit strange for this Northeast girl because not once did I take out my shovel!! I don't ever remember a year without significant snowfall but this chilly girl will not complain! Spring has arrived early and this weekend was perfect for eating outdoors and lounging on a porch!

How was your weekend? Did you "miss" out on winter this year?
Happy new week,

(image via Pinterest with a Country Living credit but unfortunately I could not find the link, if you have one please let me know)


  1. Hi Julieann
    This has been a very strange winter-and i'm with you-not sure if I missed the snow or not! Great image to get us into the summer spirit-in March? Hope you have a great week too!

  2. Winter must have read this message and come back to visit us this morning. Whats up with the 27 degree temps this morning? Gross, go away cold weather!

  3. Nice porch. Wish my home was in a place like yours too with a green surroundings. You can really smell a fresh air in there. :)

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