Monday Morning Happy

Morning Friends! I hope you all had a great weekend! Lately I have been a bit off on my blogging schedule  because I have been SO busy with design clients, a wonderful excuse to have been MIA but still I miss this creative outlet. In the next few weeks I will be catching you up on all of my projects and my latest travels to the west coast!

Over the weekend Mr. Vog and I took a ride up to the Northshore to have dinner on the water in Salem. It was the most perfect night, one of those you can only daydream about in the middle of winter. We sat out on a beautiful deck and as we were eating delicious seafood and sipping wine I looked up to see these stunning clouds passing over. The moment was captured and put up on Instagram...where it seems all my photos are land lately. Pop on over to see where I have been and follow me there!

Have a great week and please check back for another post real soon! Thanks

(image from Jace Interiors)

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