Achieve Those Dreams 2013 Style

Happy New Year Friends! As 2012 came to a close I took some alone time to flip through my photos and reflect on all that has happened in the last 12 months. It truly was an incredible year and beyond dream worthy from the wedding, to honeymoon, to feeling secure with the business to the silly little daily moments!

I am feeling so grateful that I did not give up on my dreams years ago, which let's face it when things are not going your way it is much easier to just throw in the towel. Today I thought I would share with you my FB status update I wrote after this time of reflection:

If your dreams didn't come true in 2012 don't give up! Just 3 years ago I was a single city girl now I have just finished a year that was beyond what I could ever have hoped for! An amazing hubby, hilarious stepson and a waiting list of design clients. I am proof, DREAMS DO COME TRUE just stay focused and keep at it!


As I continue to float on my 2012 Cloud 9, 2013 has arrived and it's time to refocus on new goals!
Below are just a few you will hear about throughout the next 12 months.

  • Continue my Italian Language Classes - Benvenuti!
  • Finally put my hubby out of his misery and decide on a rug for our Living Room (check back in 30 days..and lets hope I have made a purchase!)
  • Answer and delete emails as they come more 4000 emails in the inbox! 
  • Take a breath, slow down and photograph my design work from 2012 and hopefully get published in a national magazine! I KNOW there are 2 projects which would be perfect.
  • Stay in and have more dinner parties, they are always so intimate and honestly more fun than going out! 
  • Say out loud how much I am grateful for even the little things in my life!
  • As my new hubby encourages me I will share even more here on the blog, both design wise and regarding our home renovation!
I hope all of your dreams come true in 2013! If you would, please share a few of your goals for 2013 and lets encourage each other!

(image from luminaire foto property of Jace Interiors and CreateGirl - please do not copy! and  hola!design and yes you can purchase it over in their shop!)

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures 'never give up on a dream...' very true and a great saying to live by!!

