Monday Morning Happy

Happy New Week! It's the first full week of spring and I plan to embrace it, even if it is still a weee bit chilly!

The end of last week I was in a bit of a creative slump, I am happy to say it has passed! Phew! Holly over at Decor8 sent me an encouraging email which was just so sweet! I also decided to "clean the slate" in a way and I started with my inspiration board which sits over my desk. At times the best thing to do is "empty the room" and start over, it's a great way to take stock of where your creativity is. So this is what I came up with some pieces are constants like the quotes and photos on the left but to the right I exchanged almost all the room photos.

before the cleansing!


I cropped the room inspirations here:

A window seat always signifies relaxation and serenity for me so when I saw this picture I knew it was a keeper! The brown cushion accented with turquoise and yellow pillows are a fabulous color combo and one which I see myself drawn to lately (more to come on that)! The black and white tile in the kitchen is fantastic, I dream of this for myself someday. With spring here I love the idea of a crisp white vase with a simple single flower. Just lovely! These are just a few images which caught my attention this weekend. This is an exercise I should do more often. It's nice to have the option to "clean the slate" and start from scratch! Afterall isn't that what spring is all about?
Enjoy the week

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